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An Autobiography from a Postcolonial Perspective: Kamala Das’ My Story
Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (ĐLKE) Güz 2007 Sayı 19 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY FROM A POSTCOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE: KAMALA DAS’ MY STORY Sezer Sabriye ĐKĐZ* ABSTRACT Kamala Das is a well known and exceptional figure in Indian Literature.
She is especially famous for her poetry. In this paper, the focus will be on her autobiographical work, My Story as a text written by a third world woman who struggles in a doubly colonized world. Kamala Das writes her autobiography to take control of her life and get power in a patriarchal society.
Kamala das autobiography pdf to word
Despite the fact that she is criticized by many people for doing an exceptional thing for an Indian woman, she becomes very succesful. Kamala Das becomes a mirror for the other unsilenced women. She manages to speak the unspeakable instead of them.
Key Words: Kamala Das, autobiography, Third World Women Sömürgecilik Sonrası Perspektifinden Bir Öz Ya3am Öyküsü: Kamala Das’ı