Kamala das autobiography pdf to word

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    An Autobiography from a Postcolonial Perspective: Kamala Das’ My Story

    Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (ĐLKE) Güz 2007 Sayı 19 AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY FROM A POSTCOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE: KAMALA DAS’ MY STORY Sezer Sabriye ĐKĐZ* ABSTRACT Kamala Das is a well known and exceptional figure in Indian Literature.

    She is especially famous for her poetry. In this paper, the focus will be on her autobiographical work, My Story as a text written by a third world woman who struggles in a doubly colonized world. Kamala Das writes her autobiography to take control of her life and get power in a patriarchal society.

    Kamala das autobiography pdf to word

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  • Despite the fact that she is criticized by many people for doing an exceptional thing for an Indian woman, she becomes very succesful. Kamala Das becomes a mirror for the other unsilenced women. She manages to speak the unspeakable instead of them.

    Key Words: Kamala Das, autobiography, Third World Women Sömürgecilik Sonrası Perspektifinden Bir Öz Ya3am Öyküsü: Kamala Das’ı